I’ve dreamed about going to an apparel market for years. I imagined it would be the closest thing to heaven I would ever experience while still on Earth-boy was I right!
There is no way it will ever get old. It is not possible.
My mom, Britt (the bffl/ Adair wing women), and myself do the buying. This combo has worked out great! So far, we’ve only made it to the Atlanta market, which like I said is unbelievable, but I do hope to make it to a few others within a few years-New York City, Las Vegas (21st Birthday Celebration/ Adair Business Trip, I think YES!), Dallas, and of course the Los Angeles Fashion District.
For now, we are keeping it simple with our 4 hr trip down interstate 85. Being in NC it is a pretty convenient trip although, the traffic and 8 lane highways will be the death of my mother. My mom’s fear for interstates gets real the deeper south we go. She will NOT drive the route and she will NOT ride as a passenger with Britt or myself- this bringing my dad into the mix. My dad is the only one my mom feels comfortable riding with however, he has a tendency to do a little rubber necking. Seriously, the man can spot a deer at dusk while in a car going 70mph down the highway. As impressive as this may be it doesn’t meet my mom’s driving standards- and that’s where the entertainment comes in! Moral Of The Story: Going to market is a Cook family event. And that’s the way I like it.

Dad can always be found with the runway in sight. He takes it upon himself to watch the shows, take everything in, and report back to us girls with the latest. It’s pretty cute, and lots of times he is pretty on point.
Anyways, back to the important stuff. Every time I peak the top of the escalator to enter the mart I just want to squeal –yes, it’s THAT exciting. This weekend was no different. We had a successful trip and came home with tons of stunning accessories and boxes of fab clothing on order. I can’t wait to see the UPS man!
Mangos, corals, and neutrals topped our list of favs.
Collars were another one of our must haves.
Next go around is April-I’m already looking forward to that four hour car ride {is that really possible, I guess so}.